Significant challenges have developed for Aurora
(Colo.) Water in the face of booming growth and
widely variable water source productivity. The utility
has implemented highly comprehensive water conservation
programs, the urgent need for which became
apparent during drought conditions beginning in
2002. At that time, the utility's reservoir storage levels
dropped to 26% of capacity, or less than a year's
worth of water supply. These programs, along with a
10-year, $1.4 billion capital improvement program
and the implementation of multiple-barrier water
treatment approaches to protect public health and
meet high customer standards, have resulted in growing
utility bills.
The author examines how Aurora Water is progressively
addressing these challenges by providing adequate
service levels to current customers while positioning
itself to meet future needs. Increasing urban water
demands, especially in the southwestern United States,
will require reallocation of existing water uses and the
construction and operation of new water delivery systems.
The information provided here can help today's
utility manager negotiate the many challenges of the
growing demand for water. Includes 2 references, figures.