Automation systems and integration — Interoperability of capability units for manufacturing application solutions — Part 3: Verification and validation of interoperability among capability units
自动化系统和集成 - 制造应用解决方案的功能单元的互操作性 - 第3部分:功能单元之间的互操作性的验证和验证
ISO 16300?3:2017规定了一个框架,用于验证和验证制造能力单元(MCU)的互操作性,MCU具有一组满足目标制造应用程序解决方案功能要求的能力。
验证和确认框架描述了ISO 16300-1中互操作性标准的使用以及要执行的步骤。
ISO 16300?3:2017 specifies a framework for verifying and validating the interoperability of manufacturing capability units (MCUs) having a set of capabilities that meet the functional requirements of a target manufacturing application solution.
The verification and validation framework describes the use of the interoperability criteria in ISO 16300?1 and the steps to be performed.