PPE for firefighters. Test methods and requirements for PPE used by firefighters who are at risk of exposure to high levels of heat and/or flame while fighting fires occurring in structures-Footwear
消防员的个人防护装备 消防人员在扑灭建筑物内发生的火灾时 有可能暴露在高热和/或火焰中的个人防护装备的试验方法和要求
BS ISO 11999-6:2016 specifies the minimum design and performance requirements for footwear
as part of personal protective equipment [PPE] to be used by firefighters, primarily but not solely to
protect against flame and high thermal loads while fighting fires occurring in structures.Cross References:ISO 868ISO 6942ISO 15025ISO 20344:2011ISO 20345:2011EN 13832-1EN 13832-3ISO 5725-2ISO 13287ISO 23529EN 15090:2012ENV 13005All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.