2001/411/Euratom: Council Decision of 8 March 2001 approving the conclusion, by the Commission, of the Agreement for cooperation between the European Atomic Energy Community represented by the Commission and the Department of Energy of the United States of America in the field of fusion energy research and development
2001/411/Euratom:2001年3月8日理事会决定 批准委员会缔结以委员会为代表的欧洲原子能共同体与美利坚合众国能源部在聚变能研究和开发领域的合作协定
2001/411/Euratom: Council Decision of 8 March 2001 approving the conclusion, by the Commission, of the Agreement for cooperation between the European Atomic Energy Community represented by the Commission and the Department of Energy of the United States of America in the field of fusion energy research and development