Apparatus for connection to private circuits run by certain public telecommunication operators-Specification for apparatus for connection to baseband circuits
连接到某些公共电信运营商运营的专用电路的设备 基带电路连接用设备规范
Specifies requirements for apparatus, including specialized test apparatus, to be connected to baseband private circuits either directly or indirectly. Provides for safety of public telecommunication systems from electrical conditions originating in the connected apparatus and vice-versa, and the public telecommunication operators' main transmission plant.Cross References:BS 4265BS 4727:Part 1:Group 01BS 4727:Part 3:Group 01BS 4727:Part 3:Group 02BS 6301BS 6305BS 6312BS 6328:Part 1BT Specification M2487ACCITT Recommendation B.12CCITT Recommendation O.71Telecommunications Act 1984