BS 466:1984
Specification for power driven overhead travelling cranes, semi-goliath and goliath cranes for general use
在室内或露天工作时,所有运动均由动力驱动的起重机。涵盖结构和机构、制动器、控制器、电机、电气保护装置、照明和加热的分类和设计要求。规定符合BS 2573:第1部分和第2部分,并包括测试要求。交叉引用:英国标准31BS 196BS 302BS 449BS 587BS 800BS 833BS 2045BS 2059BS 2573:第1BS 2573部分:第2BS 2853BS 2903BS 3017BS 3032BS 3530BS 3550BS 355BS 3551BS 4211BS 4235BS 4343BS 4568BS 4678:第1BS 4999部分:第30BS 4999部分:第32BS 5304BS 534545BS 5378部分:第1BS 5395BS 5490BS 5493BS 5744DD 32ISO 2408ISO 4301BS 2789BS 1452BS 310BS 30BS 3109BS 1400460BS 46BS部分:第36BS 970BS 463BS 56BS 56BS 498BS部分:1429BS 916BS 1083BS 1768BS 3139BS 3294BS 3410BS 3692BS 4190BS 439BS 4604BS 275BS 4620BS 3037BS 5135BS 292BS 3134BS 4480:第1BS 228BS 436部分:第1BS 436部分:第2BS 545BS 721BS 327BS 357BS 1757BS 1761BS 2452BS 2799BS 3579BS 46部分:
第1BS 4235部分:第1BS 1916BS 4500BS 1486部分:第1BS 1486部分:第2BS 1580BS 3643BS 46部分:第3BS 6004BS 6007BS 6231BS 6346BS 23BS 4752部分:第1BS 4533部分:第2.3BS 5000部分:第99BS 5424部分:第1BS 461BS 462BS 463部分:第2BS 464BS 2523BS 3698BS 4652BS 4232CP 3012工厂法,1961电气(工厂法)特别条例1908和1944建筑(一般规定)条例1961建筑(起重作业)条例1961建筑(工作场所)条例1966码头条例1934矿场和采石场法1954造船和修船条例1960工作健康和安全等法案197473/23/EEC
Cranes power driven in all motions for working indoors or exposed. Covers classification and design requirements for structure and mechanisms, brakes, controls, motors, electrical protective gear, lighting and heating. Stipulates compliance with BS 2573:Parts 1 and 2 and includes testing requirements.Cross References:BS 31BS 196BS 302BS 449BS 587BS 800BS 833BS 2045BS 2059BS 2573:Part 1BS 2573:Part 2BS 2853BS 2903BS 3017BS 3032BS 3530BS 3535BS 3550BS 3551BS 4211BS 4235BS 4343BS 4568BS 4678:Part 1BS 4999:Part 30BS 4999:Part 32BS 5304BS 5345BS 5378:Part 1BS 5395BS 5419BS 5490BS 5493BS 5744DD 32ISO 2408ISO 4301BS 2789BS 1452BS 310BS 309BS 3100BS 1400BS 4360BS 4620BS 970BS 24:Part 3BBS 5216BS 1429BS 916BS 1083BS 1768BS 3139BS 3294BS 3410BS 3692BS 4190BS 4395BS 4604BS 275BS 4620BS 3037BS 5135BS 292BS 3134BS 4480:Part 1BS 228BS 436:Part 1BS 436:Part 2BS 545BS 721BS 327BS 357BS 1757BS 1761BS 2452BS 2799BS 3579BS 46:Part 1BS 4235:Part 1BS 1916BS 4500BS 1486:Part 1BS 1486:Part 2BS 1580BS 3643BS 46:Part 3BS 6004BS 6007BS 6231BS 6346BS 23BS 4752:Part 1BS 4533:Section 2.3BS 5000:Part 99BS 5424:Part 1BS 461BS 462BS 463:Part 1BS 463:Part 2BS 464BS 2523BS 3698BS 4652BS 4232CP 3012Factories Act, 1961Electricity (Factories Act) Special Regulations 1908 and 1944Construction (General Provisions) Regulations 1961Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations 1961Construction (Working Places) Regulations 1966Docks Regulations 1934Mines and Quarries Act, 1954Shipbuilding and Ship-repairing Regulations 1960Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 197473/23/EEC
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