Graphic technology. Spectral measurement and colorimetric computation for graphic arts images
图形技术 图形艺术图像的光谱测量与色度计算
BS ISO 13655:2017规定了适当的测量和色度计算程序
交叉引用:ISO 11664-4:2008ISO 5-2:2009 Ed 5ISO 28178:2009 Ed 1ISO 11664-1:2007ISO 11664-3:2012ISO 3664:2009 Ed 3ISO 5-4:2009 Ed 3ASTM E2729-16ISO 12647-2:2013ISO 11664-2:2007ISO 5631-3:2015ISO 12647-8:2012ISO 5-3:2009 CD-ROM Ed 3ISO 11664-1:2007ISO 13656:2000ISO 14981:2000ISO指南30:1992ISO 8254-2:2016ISO 22028-1:2016ISO 11664-2016ISO 11648:2014:20142IEC 60050-845:1987/AMD1:2016ISO 15790:2004(R07)Ed 1ASTM D2244-16ISO 12647-7:2013ISO/IEC指南99:2007ISO 2471:2008购买本文件时可获得的所有当前修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 13655:2017 specifies procedures for the measurements and colorimetric computations appropriate
to objects that reflect, transmit and emit light, such as flat-panel displays. It also specifies procedures
for computation of colorimetric parameters for graphic arts images. Graphic arts include, but are not
limited to, the preparation of material for, and volume production by, production printing processes
that include offset lithography, letterpress, flexography, gravure, screen and digital printing.This document does not address spectral measurements appropriate to other specific application needs,
such as those used during the production of materials, for example, printing paper and proofing media.Cross References:ISO 11664-4:2008ISO 5-2:2009 Ed 5ISO 28178:2009 Ed 1ISO 11664-1:2007ISO 11664-3:2012ISO 3664:2009 Ed 3ISO 5-4:2009 Ed 3ASTM E2729 - 16ISO 12647-2:2013ISO 11664-2:2007ISO 5631-3:2015ISO 12647-8:2012ISO 5-3:2009 CD-ROM Ed 3ISO 11664-1:2007ISO 13656:2000ISO 14981:2000ISO GUIDE 30:1992ISO 8254-2:2016ISO 22028-1:2016ISO/CIE 11664-6:2014ISO 12647-6:2012ASTM E308 - 13ISO 8254-1:2009 Ed 2IEC 60050-845:1987/AMD1:2016ISO 15790:2004 (R07) Ed 1ASTM D2244 - 16ISO 12647-7:2013ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007ISO 2471:2008All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.