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Measured Cooling Performance of Central Forced-Air Systems and Validation of the SP43 Simulation Model 中央送风系统冷却性能测试及SP43仿真模型验证
本文是ASHRAE SP43项目系列文章的第四篇。给出了两个SP43无人试验室中冷却系统性能的现场测量结果,以及SP43模拟模型在冷却模式下的初步验证结果。加热模式下SP43模拟模型的开发和验证已经进行了三年,并在ASHRAE的其他论文中报告。本论文是本系列中第一篇关注制冷模式的论文,涉及ASHRAE应用手册关于住宅空调的第一章。在本文中,实验数据与SP43模拟模型预测的五个测试用例进行了比较,每个房子大约持续四天。模型的输入包括天气、入渗和土壤温度数据,以及内部热源和湿度源的数据。模型预测包括能源使用、空气和结构温度以及湿度。 每个测试用例的能源使用比较以表格形式呈现。除一个测试用例外,所有测试用例的累积能量使用预计在±12%以内。针对每个房屋,对所选测试的预测温度和测量温度进行了更详细的比较;这些比较包括生活空间、地下室、阁楼和供应登记温度,以及生活空间湿度和恒温器循环率。单位:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,1987年,第93卷,第。1,纽约州纽约市
This paper is the fourth in a series on the ASHRAE SP43 project. Field measurement results are presented of the cooling-system performance in the two SP43 unoccupied test houses, together with results of initial validation of the SP43 Simulation Model in the cooling mode. Development and validation of the SP43 Simulation Model in the heating mode has been underway for three years and is reported in other ASHRAE papers. The present paper is the first in the series to focus on the cooling mode and relates to Chapter I of the ASHRAE Applications Handbook on air-conditioning of residences.In this paper, experimental data are compared with SP43 Simulation Model predictions for five test cases of approximately four days’ duration at each house. The inputs to the model include weather, infiltration, and soil temperature data, as well as data for the internal heat and moisture sources. The model predictions include energy use, air and structure temperatures, and humidities.Energy use comparisons for each of the test cases are presented in tabular form. Cumulative energy use for all but one of the test cases was predicted within ±12%. A more detailed comparison of predicted and measured temperatures for a selected test is presented for each of the houses; these comparisons include living space, basement, attic, and supply-register temperatures as well as living space humidity and thermostat cycling rate.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类