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现行 AWWA WQTC71476
Effects of Water Chemistry on Dezincification Corrosion on Brass Plumbing Components 水化学对黄铜管道部件脱锌腐蚀的影响
发布日期: 2009-11-01
水化学对体系中脱锌倾向有显著影响 黄铜与铜电连接的地方。观察到pH值、氯化物、, 碱度和硫酸盐都是影响腐蚀程度的参数 脱锌。测试的pH值范围为6至10。锌和铜都是金属 在低pH下浸出最快;然而,锌的选择性浸出率最高 pH值8。氯化物或硫酸盐含量较高的水对黄铜更具侵蚀性,且 氯化物比硫酸盐更重要。最后,传统的 “蛋白糖”脱锌表明,暂时硬度较低的水将有 脱锌倾向较高。实验结果表明,低 硬度,甚至软化的水,不一定比联合国更具侵略性- 软化 水域。相反,更高的碱度似乎会显著减少脱锌。包括表格、数字。
Water chemistry had substantial effects on dezincification propensity in systems where brass is galvanically connected to copper. It is observed that pH, chloride, alkalinity and sulfate are all influential parameters with respect to the extent of dezincification. A pH range from 6 to 10 was tested. Both zinc and copper were leached most rapidly at low pH; however, selective leaching of zinc is highest around pH 8. Water higher in chloride or sulfate is more aggressive to brass, and the effects of chloride are more significant than sulfate. Finally, the conventional theory of "meringue" dezincification suggests that waters low in temporary hardness will have higher dezincification propensity. Results of this experiment demonstrate that low hardness, or even softened waters, is not necessarily more aggressive than un-softened waters. Rather, it appears that higher alkalinity dramatically decreases dezincification. Includes tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会