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现行 4646(RP-1117)
Experimental Validation of Design Cooling Load Procedures: The Heat Balance Method 设计冷负荷程序的实验验证:热平衡法
在ASHRAE赞助的一个研究项目(RP-1117)下,建造了两个办公室大小的试验室,它们具有相同的几何结构,但热质量不同,以便通过实验验证设计冷负荷计算的两个新程序的性能:热平衡法(HBM)和辐射时间序列法(RTSM)。本文将HBM与实测冷负荷进行了比较。RTSM的验证见一篇配套论文(Iu等人,2003年)。第三篇论文介绍了实验装置的性能(Eldridge等人。 2003). 本研究采用ASHRAE负荷工具包中的热平衡方法。对于基本外壳和吊顶配置,HBM预测的冷负荷与测量数据的偏差小于4%。HBM对铺地毯区域的冷却过度预测了10%以上,但热质量和家具的添加对冷却负荷没有显著影响。虽然可以通过改变热参数来估计百叶窗的效果,但ASHRAE负荷工具包不支持百叶窗的建模。 这项研究的结果表明,HBM基本上是可靠的,但需要进行额外的研究,以确定覆盖区输入参数的重要性,并需要额外的模型,以估计百叶窗对冷负荷的影响。单位:双引文:ASHRAE交易,第109卷,第。1.
Under an ASHRAE-sponsored research project (RP-1117), two office-sized test cells having identical geometry but different thermal mass were constructed in order to experimentally validate the performance of two new procedures for design cooling load calculations: the heat balance method (HBM) and radiant time series method (RTSM). In this paper, the HBM is compared with measured cooling loads. The validation of the RTSM is presented in a companion paper (Iu et al. 2003). The performance of the experimental facility is presented in a third paper (Eldridge et al. 2003). The heat balance method codified in the ASHRAE Loads Toolkit was used in this study. Cooling loads predicted by the HBM deviated from measured data by less than 4% for base case and drop ceiling configurations. The HBM overpredicted the cooling by more than 10% for the carpeted zone, but the addition of thermal mass and furniture did not significantly affect the cooling load. Although the effect of blinds could be estimated by varying the thermal parameters, the ASHRAE Loads Toolkit does not support the modeling of blinds. The results from this study demonstrate that the HBM is fundamentally reliable, but that additional studies are required in order to determine the significance of input parameters for the carpeted zone and additional models are required in order to estimate the effect of blinds on the cooling load.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类