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现行 IEEE 596-1982
IEEE Standard Parallel Highway Interface System (CAMAC) (Computer Automated Measurement and Control) IEEE标准并行公路接口系统(CAMAC)(计算机自动测量和控制)
发布日期: 1982-02-26
ANSI/IEEE Std 583-1982《模块化仪表和数字接口系统》中定义的数据通道是所有CAMAC*系统的基础。它提供模块与一个板条箱内的板条箱控制器之间的互连方式。本标准定义了CAMAC并行公路接口系统,用于互连多达七个CAMAC板条箱(或其他设备)和一个系统控制器。并行高速路之所以被称为并行高速路,是因为数据位是沿着高速路并行传输的,它能够处理比非并行高速路更高的数据速率。然而,在某些应用中,例如,板条箱之间的距离很长,或者互连的简单性特别重要,ANSI/IEEE Std 595-1982的串行高速接口系统(CAMAC)可能更适合。
The Dataway defined in ANSI/IEEE Std 583-1982, Modular Instrumentation and Digital Interface System, is the basis for all CAMAC* systems. It provides the means of interconnection between modules and a crate controller within one crate. This standard defines the CAMAC Parallel Highway Interface System for interconnecting up to seven CAMAC crates (or other devices) and a system controller. The Parallel Highway, so called because the data bits are transmitted along the Highway in parallel, is capable of handling higher data rates than nonparallel highways. However, in some applications, for example, where there are long distances between crates or where simplicity of interconnections is particularly important, the Serial Highway of ANSI/IEEE Std 595-1982, Serial Highway Interface System (CAMAC), may be more suitable.