BS EN ISO/IEC 27040:2016 provides detailed technical guidance on how organizations can define
an appropriate level of risk mitigation by employing a well-proven and consistent approach to the
planning, design, documentation, and implementation of data storage security. Storage security applies
to the protection (security) of information where it is stored and to the security of the information
being transferred across the communication links associated with storage. Storage security includes
the security of devices and media, the security of management activities related to the devices and
media, the security of applications and services, and security relevant to end-users during the lifetime
of devices and media and after end of use.Storage security is relevant to anyone involved in owning, operating, or using data storage devices,
media, and networks. This includes senior managers, acquirers of storage product and service, and
other non-technical managers or users, in addition to managers and administrators who have specific
responsibilities for information security or storage security, storage operation, or who are responsible
for an organization's overall security program and security policy development. It is also relevant to
anyone involved in the planning, design, and implementation of the architectural aspects of storage
network security.This International Standard provides an overview of storage security concepts and related definitions.
It includes guidance on the threat, design, and control aspects associated with typical storage scenarios
and storage technology areas. In addition, it provides references to other International Standards and
technical reports that address existing practices and techniques that can be applied to storage security.Cross References:ITU-T Y.3500ISO/IEC 17788:2014ISO/IEC 27000ISO/IEC 27001:2013ISO/IEC 27005ISO Guide 73:2009ISO 7498-2:1989ISO 16609:2004ISO/PAS 22399:2007ISO/IEC 10116:2006ISO/TR 10255:2009ISO/TR 18492:2005ISO 16175-1:2010ISO 16175-2:2011ISO 16175-3:2010ISO/IEC 11770ISO/IEC 17826:2012ISO/IEC 19790:2006ISO/IEC 24759:2008ISO/IEC 24775ISO/IEC 27003:2010ISO/IEC 27031:2011ISO/IEC 27033-1:2009ISO/IEC 27033-2ISO/IEC 27033-3:2010ISO/IEC 27037:2012ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010IEEE 1619:2007IEEE 1619.1:2007IEEE 1619.2:2010IETF RFC 1813IETF RFC 3195IETF RFC 3530IETF RFC 3720IETF RFC 3723IETF RFC 3821IETF RFC 4303IETF RFC 4595IETF RFC 5246IETF RFC 5424IETF RFC 5425IETF RFC 5426IETF RFC 5427IETF RFC 5661IETF RFC 5663IETF RFC 5848IETF RFC 6012IETF RFC 6071IETF RFC 6587IETF RFC 7146ANSI INCITS 400:2004ANSI INCITS 458:2011ANSI INCITS 461:2010ANSI INCITS 462:2010ANSI INCITS 463:2010ANSI INCITS 470:2011ANSI INCITS 482:2012ANSI INCITS 496:2012ANSI INCITS 512:2013NIST FIPS 140-2NIST FIPS 197NIST 800-38ANIST 800-38CNIST 800-38DNIST 800-38ENIST 800-57NIST 800-67NIST 800-88ITU-T X. 1601:2013ISO/IEC 27002:2013ISO/IEC 14776-372:2011ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004Incorporates the following:Corrigendum, September 2016