Hydraulic fluid power — Two-, three- and four-port screw-in cartridge valves — Cavities
ISO 7789:2007规定了安装有两个、三个和四个端口的旋入式插装阀的腔体的尺寸,并提供了其他相关数据,以确保互换性。
ISO 7789:2007适用于工业和移动设备中常用的两端口、三端口和四端口旋入式插装阀。
ISO 7789:2007 specifies the dimensions and provides other data relating to cavities in which two-, three- and four-port, screw-in cartridge valves are mounted in order to ensure interchangeability.
ISO 7789:2007 is applicable to two-, three- and four-port screw-in cartridge valves generally used in industrial and mobile equipment.