Hot-rolled stainless steel plates — Tolerances on dimensions and shape
ISO 18286:2008规定了在可逆轧机上制造的具有以下特性的热轧不锈钢板(四开本板)的公差要求:标称厚度t,从4mm到250mm;标称宽度w等于或大于600mm。
制造商和买方应在询价和订购时就宽度小于600 mm的板材从较宽的板材上切割或切割的公差达成一致。
ISO 18286:2008不适用于地板或宽平板的圆板、定制板、格子板或灯泡板,也不适用于连续加工板(用卷制制成的板)。
ISO 18286:2008 specifies requirements for tolerances for hot-rolled stainless steel plates (quarto plates) made on a reversing mill with the following characteristics: nominal thickness, t, from 4 mm to 250 mm; and nominal width, w, equal to or greater than 600 mm.
Tolerances for plate of width w less than 600 mm cut or slit from wider plate should be agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser at the time of enquiry and order.
ISO 18286:2008 is not applicable to round plates, custom-made plates, checker plate or bulb plate for flooring or wide flats, nor to continuous-process plates (plate made with coiling).