This slide presentation outlines an analysis of the total costs of large diameter pipe failures. It begins by estimating the total number of U.S. pipe failures per year, and presents the equation of Total Cost = Direct Costs + Societal Costs. Analysis of the data showed: $1,700,000
Was the Average Total Cost Per Break
(The Arithmetic Mean);
(The Geometric Mean); and,
$6,000 to $8.5 Million
(The Range of Total Cost Per Break). The presentation outlines how using the Geometric Mean Cost of
$500,000 for one large main failure,
you could proactively:
replace about 1,700 feet of 24-inch main;
Slip Line about 2,000 feet of 24-inch main;
inspect about 8 miles of concrete pipe using
Remote Field Eddy Current / Transfer Coupling
(RFEC /TC) Technology; and,
perform $10k worth of maintenance on
50 large line valves. Recommendations include: Target Large Mains in Urban Areas and
Consider Future Routing/Feed Options;
Review the Valves in These Areas;
Target Large Mains Which are Critical to
Maintaining System Pressure; and,
Target Specific Mains for Inspection,
Renewal, or Replacement That Have a
Documented National History of Failure.