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现行 IEEE 2030.3-2016
IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Electric Energy Storage Equipment and Systems for Electric Power Systems Applications IEEE电力系统用电能存储设备和系统的标准试验程序
发布日期: 2016-09-30
电力系统(EPS)用电能存储设备和系统(ESS)的试验项目和程序,包括型式试验、生产试验、安装评估、现场调试试验和定期试验,如下所示: 型式试验,包括EPSs中应用的ESS的所有必要试验项目 ?生产测试,包括装运前的质量检查和ESS测试 安装后应进行现场评估 试运行试验应在ESS现场安装完成且正式投入运行前在现场进行 ??定期试验应在ESS正式应用于EPS后定期进行。ESS可以是具有所有功能的单个设备,也可以是具有特定功能的集成设备组。单个设备应整体进行型式试验、生产试验、安装评估和调试试验。 成套设备的每一件应根据其具体功能进行型式试验和生产试验,成套设备现场组装和集成后,应进行安装评估和调试试验。
The test items and procedures of electric energy storage equipment and systems (ESS) for electric power system (EPS) applications, including type test, production test, installation evaluation, commissioning test at site, and periodic tests are as follows: —— Type tests covering all necessary test items of ESS applied in EPSs —— Production tests, including quality inspection and test of ESS before shipment —— Installation evaluation shall be carried out after field installation of ESS —— Commissioning tests shall be carried out on site when the field installation of ESS are complete and before they are officially put into operation —— Periodic tests shall be periodically carried out after ESS are officially applied in the EPS. ESS can either be a single piece of equipment with all functions or an integrated set of equipment with specific functions. A single piece of equipment shall go through type tests, production tests, installation evaluation, and commissioning tests as a whole. Each piece of an integrated set of equipment shall go through type tests and production tests based on its specific function, and then the whole set of equipment shall go through the installation evaluation and commissioning tests after field assembly and integration of the equipment.