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现行 ULC 138
Standard Method of Test for Fire Growth of Insulated Building Panels in a Full-Scale Room Configuration (CAN/ULC S138-06) 全尺寸房间配置中隔热建筑面板的火蔓延的标准试验方法(CAN/ULC S138-06)
发布日期: 2006-05-01
This is a fire test response Standard. This document describes the test method used to determine the contribution to fire growth provided by a non-loadbearing insulated building panel installed in a sprinklered or unsprinklered room configuration. The insulated building panels investigated by this test method are of the factory-assembled type and intended for use as exterior or interior walls, ceilings or roofs. This Standard presumes that these panels are not backed by other materials or constructions in typical installation practice. This test method measures the time to flashover under specified test conditions. Provisions are made to measure ignitability, smoke obscuration, rate of fire growth and rate of heat release of the test panels. This test method is not intended to determine the fire resistance rating of insulated building panels. In addition, this test method does not investigate the toxic hazard posed by the products of combustion.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国保险商实验所