This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of distribution storage fundamentals including the following topics: storage capacities are based on recognized water industry criteria; equalization capacity is based on diurnal curve and uniform supply rates; equalization volume factor reflects service area characteristics and can be reduced by
non-uniform supply; fire storage volume is based on fire flow goal
and required fire duration for each service area; and, emergency storage volume is a
nominal supply rate for a nominal period of time. Three approaches are presented that offer the greatest potential for savings in pumping energy: maximize use of higher efficiency pumps; shift electrical power use to periods lower cost
energy tariffs; and, reduce peak electricity demand to reduce
demand charges. An example of storage management analysis is presented at Water District No. 1 of Johnson County, Kansas (WaterOne), along with an example of pumping management implementation at WaterOne where strategic pump scheduling was achieved with
Derceto AQUADAPT Software.
Includes tables, figures.