American National Standard for Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) Radio-Frequency Equipment
CISPR 11:1997 provides emission limits and measurement methods, which are to be used by manufacturers of industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment for the international market. These ISM equipment are designed to generate and to locally use radio-frequency energy to heat material or accomplish some other physical change. A similar specification is enforced in the United States as FCC Part 18 (Code of Federal Regulations CFR47, part 18). This standard republishes CISPR 11:1997 as an American National Standard ANSI C63.011-2000 to make it easily available to U.S. manufacturers. This is a first step towards achieving commonality between the Accredited Standards Committee C63 EMC standards and international EMC standards.