As part of Boston Water and Sewer Commission's (BWSC's) Citywide Catch Basin Inspection, Cleaning and Preventative Maintenance Program, Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM)
has developed an application and data management program to support field-collection and
data integration with BWSC's existing Geographical Information System (GIS) and
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), CASSWORKS by The RJN Group.
The project required mobilizing crews to capture spatial and attribute information on
approximately 33,300 catch basins, and ultimately integrating this data through a front-end GIS
maintenance/editor and into a tiled GIS. In order to maximize efficiency and data quality, CDM
developed a mobile computing solution that resulted in a total efficiency savings of
approximately 58%, approximately 9% savings for catch basins inspections, 100% savings for
data collection, and 100% savings for the catch basin mapping. This paper discusses the
customized ArcView application that was developed to assist the field crews as well as the
integration strategy used to transfer data to BWSC's GIS and Oracle systems. Includes tables, figures.