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现行 AWWA WQTC59013
Automatic Flushing: A Solution for Enhancement of Distribution System Water Quality 自动冲洗:提高配水系统水质的解决方案
发布日期: 2003-11-02
配水系统水质管理实践的整合似乎是其中之一 公用事业公司在不久的将来可能面临的未来监管要求。 从历史上看,自来水公司已经将配水系统冲洗项目作为一个整体纳入其中 恢复水质的方法,尤其是在系统的死角或末端。 这些实践通常需要与配电系统和实验室人员协调 用于冲洗可能遇到不理想水的系统部分 质量变化。不用说,这三者之间需要时间和协调努力 根据冲洗频率和水质,人员可能会有经济负担 所经历的情况。 作为改善配水系统内水质倡议的一部分,北城 迈阿密海滩公共服务部已经整合了几个自动冲水系统 定期冲洗配电系统某些区域的装置。自动驾驶 冲洗系统使用手动冲洗所需水量的一小部分,但更多 重要的是,它的操作不需要人员。虽然潮水会定期出现, 它们体积不大,因此对区域排水影响不大。然而,更多 重要的是,在一条河流上进行定期冲洗时,可获得水质效益 按计划进行。氯残留,pH, 自从这些装置在中国投入运行以来,配电系统中有问题的区域的三卤甲烷总量有所改善 与前几年相比。本文对可量化效益进行了分析 该市在整体水质以及与之相关的运营成本节约方面取得的成就 自动冲洗装置的使用。包括表格、数字。
The integration of distribution system water quality management practices appears to be among the future regulatory requirements that utilities can anticipate facing in the near future. Historically, water utilities have incorporated programs for distribution system flushing as a means of restoring water quality particularly within dead ends or extremities of their systems. These practices usually require coordination with distribution system and laboratory personnel for the flushing of sections of the system that may be experiencing less than desirable water quality variations. Needless to say, the time and coordination effort required among these personnel can be financially burdensome depending on the flushing frequency and water quality conditions experienced. As part of an initiative to enhance water quality within the distribution system, the City of North Miami Beach Public Services Department has incorporated several automated water flushing devices to flush certain areas of the distribution system on a scheduled basis. The automatic flushing system uses a fraction of the water otherwise required by a manual flush, but more importantly it does not require personnel for its operation. Although flushes occur periodically, they are not voluminous, thus having insignificant impact on area drainage. However, more important is the water quality benefits achieved when conducting periodic flushes on a scheduled basis. Chlorine residuals, pH, and total trihalomethanes have improved in problematic areas of the distribution system since the operational implementation of these devices in comparison to previous years. This paper provides an analysis of quantifiable benefits achieved by the City in overall water quality as well as operational cost savings associated with the use of an automated flushing device. Includes tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会