Earth-moving machinery — Wheeled loader coupler for attachments
ISO 23727:2009通过确定连接器的通用尺寸和间隙,规定了轮式装载机上附件的互换性。它适用于ISO 6165中定义的轮式装载机,其工作质量介于8000 kg和17500 kg之间。允许使用其他联轴器设计和尺寸,但可能无法提供广泛的附件互换性。
ISO 23727:2009不适用于但可能适用于其他轮式装载机、滑移装载机或反铲装载机,前提是需要通用附件的互换性。它不需要安装连接器,附件可以直接安装到提升连杆上,无需使用连接器。
ISO 23727:2009 provides for the interchangeability of attachments on wheeled loaders by establishing common dimensions and clearances for a coupler. It is applicable to wheeled loaders as defined in ISO 6165 with an operating mass of between 8 000 kg and 17 500 kg. Alternative coupler designs and dimensions are permitted, but might not provide broad interchangeability of attachments.
ISO 23727:2009 is not intended for, but may be applicable to, other wheeled loaders, skid steer loaders or backhoe loaders if interchangeability of common attachments is desired. It does not require the fitting of a coupler and attachments can be directly mounted to the lifting linkage without the use of one.