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现行 BS 10754-1:2018
Information technology. Systems trustworthiness-Governance and management specification 信息技术 系统可信度
发布日期: 2018-02-28
BS 10754-1:2018提供了系统、软件和服务可信度规范, 这是一种广泛适用的方法,可以为任何组织定制 还有软件。本英国标准的要求定义了有效可信度的总体原则, 包括技术、身体、文化和行为措施,以及有效的领导 以及治理。它确定了必要的工具、技术和流程,并解决了安全问题, 可靠性、可用性、恢复力和安全问题。本英国标准未规定组织遵循的详细流程或行动 为了实现这些成果。 本英国标准包括一个全面的诚信体系框架(TSFr), 它提供了一种与领域和实现无关的方法来引用现有的大量 知识,包括功能安全、信息安全、系统和软件工程 并作为软件可信度良好实践的整理。当作为独立文档用于没有当前软件方法的组织时 值得信赖的是,该规范有助于在其许多领域为软件部署TSFr 从嵌入式设备到消费类设备再到工业控制系统的伪装。组织已经通过五种方法中的一种或多种来解决系统可靠性问题 独立的可信度方面(安全性、可靠性、可用性、恢复力和安全性),这 本规范是对其他相关标准的补充和补充。这个英国人 标准提供了概念、原则、预期技术和管理的基准 实现个人方面的实践。这可以用来确定产品的任何差距和改进 当地实施。本英国标准未规定任何技术应如何应用于特定应用。本英国标准适用于任何旨在采用该系统的组织 诚信实践。交叉引用:BS EN ISO/IEC 27001BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010BS EN ISO/IEC 27002BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015BS ISO/IEC 11179-5ITU-T建议X.1520BS ISO 31000BS ISO/IEC 19770-1BS EN ISO/IEC 27000BS EN ISO/IEC 17024ITU-T建议X.1521ITU-T建议X.1525BIP 0008-1BS EN 61508(所有部分)BS ISO/IEC 20000-1BS EN ISO/IEC 17043BS EN ISO 9001BS ISO/IEC 15408-1BS ISO/IEC 19770-2BS ISO/IEC 27034-1BS ISO/IEC 15504(所有部分)ITU-T建议X.1544BS EN ISO/IEC 17025ITU-T建议X.1524BS ISO/IEC 33001:2015BS EN ISO 22301:2014BS EN ISO 9000:2015BS EN ISO/IEC 27043:2016购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS 10754-1:2018 provides a specification for systems, software and services trustworthiness, that is intended to be a widely applicable approach that can be customized for any organization and software.The requirements of this British Standard define the overall principles for effective trustworthiness, and include technical, physical, cultural and behavioural measures alongside effective leadership and governance. It identifies the necessary tools, techniques and processes and addresses safety, reliability, availability, resilience and security issues.This British Standard does not specify the detailed processes or actions that an organization follows in order to achieve these outcomes.This British Standard includes a comprehensive Trustworthiness System Framework (TSFr), which provides a domain- and implementation-agnostic way to reference the large existing body of knowledge, including functional safety, information security, and systems and software engineering and acts as a collation of good practice for software trustworthiness.When used as a standalone document for organizations with no current approach to software trustworthiness, this specification facilitates the deployment of the TSFr for software in its many guises from embedded equipment through consumer devices to industrial control systems.Where organizations already address system trustworthiness through one or more of the five facets of trustworthiness in isolation (safety, reliability, availability, resilience and security), this specification provides a companion and complement to other relevant standards. This British Standard provides a benchmark of concepts, principles, expected techniques and management practices to achieve individual facets. This can be used to identify any gaps and enhancements for local implementation.This British Standard does not specify how any technique should be applied to a specific application.This British Standard is applicable to any organization aiming to adopt system trustworthiness practices.Cross References:BS EN ISO/IEC 27001BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010BS EN ISO/IEC 27002BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015BS ISO/IEC 11179-5ITU-T Recommendation X.1520BS ISO 31000BS ISO/IEC 19770-1BS EN ISO/IEC 27000BS EN ISO/IEC 17024ITU-T Recommendation X.1521ITU-T Recommendation X.1525BIP 0008-1BS EN 61508 (all parts)BS ISO/IEC 20000-1BS EN ISO/IEC 17043BS EN ISO 9001BS ISO/IEC 15408-1BS ISO/IEC 19770-2BS ISO/IEC 27034-1BS ISO/IEC 15504 (all parts)ITU-T Recommendation X.1544BS EN ISO/IEC 17025ITU-T Recommendation X.1524BS ISO/IEC 33001:2015BS EN ISO 22301:2014BS EN ISO 9000:2015BS EN ISO/IEC 27043:2016All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会
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