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现行 ISO 11479-2:2011
Glass in building — Coated glass — Part 2: Colour of fa?ade 建筑玻璃——镀膜玻璃第2部分:fa和ccedil的颜色;艾德
发布日期: 2011-09-30
ISO 11479-2:2011规定了一种客观评估涂层玻璃在正面使用时颜色的方法,以及测量同一窗格玻璃内和同一正面两个相邻窗格玻璃之间的色差的方法。ISO 11479-2:2011没有规定从立面内部或外部观察透射颜色的色差测定要求,也没有规定内部反射颜色的色差测定要求。应仅对相同玻璃类型、成分和内部条件且位于同一立面平面上的窗格玻璃进行比较。 涂层玻璃的具体要求取决于其透光率和反射率。 ISO 11479-2:2011不适用于弯曲或弯曲的玻璃,因为技术原因专门排除在外。
ISO 11479-2:2011 specifies a method for objective evaluation of the colour of coated glass when used in facades and viewed from the outside, as well as for measuring colour differences within the same glass pane and between two adjacent panes in the same facade. ISO 11479-2:2011 does not specify requirements for determining colour differences of transmitted colour as viewed from the inside or outside of a facade, nor for internal reflected colour. The comparison should only be undertaken for panes of the same glass type, composition and interior conditions and situated in the same plane of a facade. Specific requirements are given for coated glass, dependent upon its light transmittance and reflectance. ISO 11479-2:2011 is not applicable to curved or bent glass, which is specifically excluded for technical reasons.
归口单位: ISO/TC 160