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现行 AWWA ACE59905
A Practical Approach for Selection and Use of Mass Flow Meters in a Challenging Chemical-Feed-Control Application 在具有挑战性的化学品进料控制应用中选择和使用质量流量计的实用方法
发布日期: 2004-06-17
本文提出了一种实用的方法来选择、安装和评估 现有水处理厂化学进料质量流量计的性能。 该方法提供了科里奥利质量和磁场的对比分析 流量计应特别注意几个关键因素。这些关键因素包括 该流量计能够在大流量范围内提供高精度计量 流速和脉动流条件,仪表的耐化学腐蚀性, 仪表对堵塞的敏感性,以及整体安装、运行和维护(O&M)成本。新的 康特拉科斯塔水区实施了化学饲料控制系统 兰德尔博尔德水处理厂。包括表格,如图所示。
This paper presents a practical approach for the selection, installation, and evaluation of performance of chemical-feed mass-flow meters at an existing water treatment plant. The approach provides a comparative analysis between Coriolis mass and magnetic flow meters with particular attention to several key factors. These key factors include the ability of the meter to provide high accuracy metering over a wide range of flow rates and pulsating flow conditions, resistance of the meter to chemical corrosion, susceptibility of the meter to clogging, and overall installation and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. The new chemical feed control system was implemented at the Contra Costa Water District Randall-Bold Water Treatment Plant. Includes tables, figure.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会