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现行 ISO 4254-20:2025
Agricultural machinery — Safety — Part 20: Grape, olives and coffee harvesters 农业机械安全第20部分:葡萄、橄榄和咖啡收获机
发布日期: 2025-01-10
本文件与ISO 4254-1:20 13和ISO 4254-1:20 13/AMD1:2021一起使用时,规定了葡萄、橄榄和咖啡用牵引式和自走式收割机的设计和构造的安全要求及其验证。它描述了消除或减少由一个人(操作员)在正常操作和维修过程中预期使用这些机器所产生的危险的方法。此外,它还规定了制造商提供的有关安全工作实践的信息类型。 当本文件的规定与ISO 4254-1:20 13和ISO 4254-1:20 3/AMD1:2021中的规定不同时,对于根据本文件的规定设计和制造的机器,本文件的规定优先于ISO 4254-1:20 13和ISO 4254-1:20 3/AMD1:2021的规定。本文件与ISO 4254-1:20 13和ISO 4254-1:20 13/AMD1:2021一起处理了与葡萄、橄榄和咖啡的履带式和自走式收割机相关的所有重大危害、危险情况和事件,当它们按预期使用时,以及在制造商可合理预见的误用条件下。它不适用于因操作员以外的人员在场而产生的危险、与缺乏能见度有关的危险(照明除外)、与振动和动力传输运动部件有关的危险(防护装置和屏障的强度要求除外)。 本文件不涉及环境危害,噪音除外。 就自行式机器的转向而言,它仅适用于人体工程学方面(例如,方向盘的位置);不涉及与转向相关的其他方面。 注:本文件未考虑与道路交通法规相关的具体要求。 本文件不适用于在其发布日期之前制造的机器。

This document, when used together with ISO 4254-1:2013 and ISO 4254-1:2013/AMD1:2021, specifies the safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of trailed and self-propelled harvesters for grapes, olives and coffee. It describes methods for the elimination or reduction of hazards arising from the intended use of these machines by one person (the operator) in the course of normal operation and service. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices to be provided by the manufacturer.

When provisions of this document are different from those which are stated in ISO 4254-1:2013 and ISO 4254-1:2013/AMD1:2021, the provisions of this document take precedence over the provisions of ISO 4254-1:2013 and ISO 4254-1:2013/AMD1:2021 for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this document.

This document, taken together with ISO 4254-1:2013 and ISO 4254-1:2013/AMD1:2021, deals with all the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to trailed and self-propelled harvesters for grapes, olives and coffee, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse that are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer. It is not applicable to hazards arising from the presence of persons other than the operator, hazards related to lack of visibility, except lighting, hazards related to vibrations and moving parts for power transmission, except for strength requirements for guards and barriers.

This document does not deal with environmental hazards, except noise.

In respect of steering of self-propelled machines, it is applicable only to the ergonomic aspects (for example, location of the steering wheel); no other aspects related to steering are covered.

NOTE            Specific requirements related to road traffic regulations are not taken into account in this document.

This document is not applicable to machines manufactured before the date of its publication.

归口单位: ISO/TC 23/SC 7