This product is a PDF that contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.The purpose of this technical session is to inform design engineers of how the performance of air and water to refrigerant heat exchangers are affected by factors such as condensation temperature, water quality, frost growth, and air-side particulate fouling.Effect of Condensation Temperature and Water Quality on Fouling of Brazed-Plate Heat Exchangers (RP-1345) (CH-12-033)Lorenzo Cremaschi, Ph.D., Member, Atharva Barve, Student Member, XiaXiao Wu, Student MemberThis product contains: Slides (pdf) Recorded Presentation Audio (mp3)Measurements of Frost Growth on Louvered Folded Fins of Microchannel Heat Exchangers Part 1: Experimental Methodology (RP-1589)(CH-12-034)Lorenzo Cremaschi, Ph.D., Member, Tommy Hong, Ehsan Moallem, Daniel Fisher, Fellow S-B-AThis product contains: Recorded Presentation Audio (mp3) Slides (pdf)Experimental Evaluation of Air Side Particulate Fouling Performance of Heat Exchangers (CH-12-035)Yigang Sun, Zhang Yuanhui, Ford Steve, Barker Douglas, Mark Johnson, Associate MemberThis product contains: Slides (pdf) Recorded Presentation Audio (mp3)