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现行 BS ISO 11613:2017
Protective clothing for firefighter's who are engaged in support activities associated with structural fire fighting. Laboratory test methods and performance 从事与结构消防相关的支援活动的消防员的防护服 实验室试验方法和性能
发布日期: 2018-01-25
BS ISO 11613:2017规定了从事消防支援活动的消防员所用防护服的试验方法和最低性能要求。这件衣服不适用于室内消防。这些消防支持活动被定义为(见3.8.2)以下活动:水和材料供应;从结构外部灭火;防止外部扩散到邻近区域,防止环境破坏和限制烟雾的影响;确保交通和环境安全;急救基地活动; 为后续活动准备火场;RPD补给任务;评估区;BA通信;前方指挥所;疏散协助规划;协助后勤;协助沟通;运输本文件涵盖了一般服装设计、所用材料的最低性能水平,以及确定这些性能水平的试验方法。本文件不等同于ISO 11999?3.消防员在扑灭建筑物内发生的火灾时可能暴露在高温和/或火焰中的衣服。 本文件提供了较低的最低保护级别。交叉引用:ISO 3175-1ISO 9151ISO 6530ISO 13934-1ISO 5077ISO/TR 19591CIE 054.2ISO 811ISO 1421ISO 6942ISO 17493ISO 13935-2ISO 13937-2ISO 4920ISO 20471:2013ISO 15025:2016ISO 13688:2013 ED2ISO 14116:2015ISO 11999-3ISO 13506-2ISO 6330ISO/TS 11999-2ISO 15538ISO 15384CIE 054.2:2001ISO 13506-1ISO 5081EN 469:2005NFPA 1971:2013NA 1500:2013NA 1975:2014FPA当前所有可用修订版购买本文件时包括购买费用。
BS ISO 11613:2017 specifies test methods and minimum performance requirements for protective clothing used by firefighters who are engaged in support activities of firefighting. This clothing is not intended for interior attack firefighting. These support activities of firefighting are defined (see 3.8.2) as activities such as:water and material supply;extinguishing fires from the outside of the structure;prevention of exterior spreading to adjacencies, preventing enviromental damage and limiting effect of smoke;securing traffic and environment;first aid base activities;preparing the fire ground for subsequent activities;RPD replenishment tasks;assessment zone;BA communication;forward command post;evacuation;assist planning;assist logistics;assist communication;transportation.This document covers the general clothing design, the minimum performance levels of the materials used, and the methods of test for determining these performance levels.This document is not equivalent to ISO 11999?3, clothing worn by firefighters who are at risk of exposure to high levels of heat and/or flame while fighting fires occurring in structures. This document provides lower minimum level of protection.Cross References:ISO 3175-1ISO 9151ISO 6530ISO 13934-1ISO 5077ISO/TR 19591CIE 054.2ISO 811ISO 1421ISO 6942ISO 17493ISO 13935-2ISO 13937-2ISO 4920ISO 20471:2013ISO 15025:2016ISO 13688:2013 ED2ISO 14116:2015ISO 11999-3ISO 13506-2ISO 6330ISO/TS 11999-2ISO 15538ISO 15384CIE 054.2:2001ISO 13506-1ISO 5081EN 469:2005NFPA 1971:2013NFPA 1500:2013NFPA 1975:2014All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会