The purpose of this standard is to specify performance tests for the calibrations of in-situ gamma-ray measurement systems for a range of test configurations. This standard applies to service providers and their customers performing or requiring radioassay of sources using in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry with HPGe detectors (hereafter referred to as "detectors"). It is generally assumed, but not required, that the sources are large (with respect to the detector). It is also assumed that the calibration is performed without the benefit of certified reference materials that are identical, in terms of the radionuclide mix and geometry, to the objects being measured. This standard applies to the calibration of detectors, uncollimated or collimated, for the measurement of the following objects:
— Uniformly contaminated surface soils;
— Surficial contamination of flat objects;
— Volumetric contamination of cylindrical and rectangular objects;
— Containerized homogeneous sources (cylindrical and rectangular containers);
— Attenuated sources;
The energy of the gamma-rays addressed in this standard is 60 keV to 3000 keV.