Measurement of radioactivity in the environment. Soil-Strontium 90. Test method using proportional counting or liquid scintillation counting
环境中放射性的测量 土壤
This document describes the principles for the measurement of the activity of90Sr in equilibrium with90Y and89Sr, pure beta emitting radionuclides, in soil samples. Different chemical separation methods are presented to produce strontium and yttrium sources, the activity of which is determined using proportional counters (PC) or liquid scintillation counters (LSC).90Sr can be obtained from the test samples when the equilibrium between90Sr and90Y is reached or through direct90Y measurement. The selection of the measuring method depends on the origin of the contamination, the characteristics of the soil to be analysed, the required accuracy of measurement and the resources of the available laboratories.All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.