PowerLine Telecommunications (PLT); Coexistence of Narrow Band PLT technologies operating in the frequency bands 3kHz to 95 kHz, 95 kHz to 125 kHz and 125 kHz to 140 kHz
ETSI TS 103 901 provides the requirements to support coexistence within the frequency band 3kHz up to 95 kHz,
sub-band above 95 kHz up to 125 kHz and sub-band above 125 kHz up to 140 kHz as given in CENELEC
EN 50065-1 [i.7] (also referred to as the CENELEC A band, B and C bands), for the following standards:IEEE Std 1901.2TM [1].IEC 61334-3-1 [i.1].IEC 61334-4-32 [i.2].IEC 61334-5-1 [i.3].IEC 61334-5-2 [i.4].ISO/IEC 14543-3-5 [i.5].ISO/IEC 14908-3 [i.6].