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现行 ISO 30500:2018
Non-sewered sanitation systems — Prefabricated integrated treatment units — General safety and performance requirements for design and testing 无污水卫生系统.预制综合处理装置.设计和试验的一般安全和性能要求
发布日期: 2018-10-02
本文件规定了设计和测试的一般安全和性能要求,以及非污水卫生系统(NSS)的可持续性考虑。就本文件而言,NSSS是一种预制的综合处理装置,包括前端(厕所设施)和后端(处理设施)组件,其 a) 收集、输送并充分处理系统内的特定输入,以便安全地重新使用或处置生成的固体、液体和气体输出,以及 b) 未连接到联网下水道或联网排水系统。 本文件适用于作为一个包装制造的卫生系统,或作为一组预制构件制造的卫生系统,这些预制构件设计用于在一个位置组装,无需进一步制造或修改,从而影响系统功能。 完全组装的NSS所在的平面或表面(如地板、混凝土垫)不在本文件范围内。本文件不适用于现场建造的卫生系统。 本文档还介绍了NSSS后端组件,这些组件旨在与一个或多个指定前端集成。 虽然本文件主要适用于未连接到水和电力网络的卫生系统的开发,但也可适用于可使用水管和/或电力的系统。 本文件将基本可治疗输入物定义为主要的人类排泄物,并给出了扩展输入物质范围的选项。卫生系统输出的质量要求包括固体和液体排放以及气味、空气和噪声排放。 它包含系统的安全性、功能性、可用性、可靠性和可维护性的标准,以及与环境保护目标的兼容性。 本文件不包括以下方面: -卫生系统的选择、安装、操作和维护以及管理指南; -将处理后的产出运输到卫生系统之外(例如,人工运输、卡车或干管运输),以便进一步处理、再利用或处置; -处理过程发生在与前端和后端组件分离的另一个位置; -卫生系统输出的再利用和处置。
This document specifies general safety and performance requirements for design and testing as well as sustainability considerations for non-sewered sanitation systems (NSSS). A NSSS, for the purposes of this document, is a prefabricated integrated treatment unit, comprising frontend (toilet facility) and backend (treatment facility) components that a) collects, conveys, and fully treats the specific input within the system, to allow for safe reuse or disposal of the generated solid, liquid, and gaseous output, and b) is not connected to a networked sewer or networked drainage systems. This document is applicable to sanitation systems that are either manufactured as one package, or manufactured as a set of prefabricated elements designed to be assembled in one location without further fabrication or modification that influences the system function. The plane or surface (e.g. flooring, concrete pad) upon which a fully assembled NSSS is situated is beyond the scope of this document. This document is not applicable to sanitation systems constructed in situ. This document also covers NSSS backend components that are designed to be integrated with one or more specified frontends. Although this document is primarily applicable to the development of sanitation systems that are not connected to water and electricity networks, it can also be applied to systems that can utilize water mains and/or electricity. This document defines the basic treatable input as primarily human excreta and gives options for extending the range of input substances. Requirements for the quality of the outputs from the sanitation system are given for solid and liquid discharges as well as odour, air, and noise emissions. It contains criteria for the safety, functionality, usability, reliability, and maintainability of the system, as well as its compatibility with environmental protection goals. This document does not encompass the following aspects: — guidelines for selection, installation, operation and maintenance, and management of sanitation systems; — transportation of treated output outside of the sanitation system (e.g. manual transport, transportation by truck or trunk pipes) for further processing, reuse, or disposal; — treatment processes taking place at another location separate from that of the frontend and backend components; — reuse and disposal of sanitation system output.
归口单位: ISO/TMBG