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现行 IEC 63047:2018
Nuclear instrumentation - Data format for list mode digital data acquisition used in radiation detection and measurement 核仪器辐射探测和测量用列表式数字数据采集的数据格式
发布日期: 2018-10-11
IEC 63047:2018规定了用于检测和测量辐射的数字数据采集设备输出端的二进制列表模式数据的格式。这样的数据采集设备可以结合存储器和与计算机的通信接口采用数字信号处理器(DSP)和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)。 本文件适用于那些能够在逐个事件的基础上记录和呈现探测器中的辐射相互作用数据的数据采集设备,其中数据存储在输出文件中或流式传输到远程计算机。这种列表模式数据通常包含时间戳和能量信息,但也可以包含数字信号或属性,如由DSP或FPGA根据信号样本计算的信号的上升时间或子区域。
IEC 63047:2018 specifies the format of binary list-mode data at the output of digital data acquisition devices used for the detection and measurement of radiation. Such data acquisition devices may employ digital signal processors (DSPs) and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) in combination with memory and a communication interface with a computer.
This document is applicable to those data acquisition devices which are able to record and present interaction data of radiation in detectors on an event-per-event basis, with data stored in an output file or streamed to a remote computer. Such list-mode data typically contains timestamp and energy information, but may also contain digital signals or properties like rise time or sub-areas of signals computed by the DSP or FPGA from the signal samples.
归口单位: TC 45