To prepare a Technical Report on the Standardization Objectives for Broadband Satellite Multimedia using as reference the GMM report. There is a growing interest in the development and the future deployment of Broadband Satellite Multimedia Systems. WRC 97 has allocated and confirmed allocation of new frequencies for such systems. Already the US FCC awarded several licenses to construct, launch and operate such systems, for providing Broadband Satellite Multimedia services. These Systems under development are expected to be deployed around the year 2001/2003. The European Commission is concerned about the prospects of the European industry, operators and users in this area. In particular in the EU Action Plan: Satellite communications in the Information Society (COM(97)0091 - C4-0131/97), the speedy harmonization of technical standards for advanced, broadband, multi-media satellite terminals and receivers was highlighted. There is a need to promote the technical standardization at international level through ETSI, but the contact with all these new players is very difficult and cannot be performed in the framework of a voluntary committee activities. A survey is necessary to get a clear picture of the standardization situation, of the different types of terminals, systems ( geostationary, MEO or LEO), and frequencies. The survey will report of the contact with all possible players. Regulatory problems will be analysed in the survey on Broadband Multi-media via Satellite, in particular those which are hindering the future deployment of such systems. Considerable resources are required to collect information, analyse, liaise with other relevant fora and draft standards. This can only be achieved within a short time scale with the support of a dedicated Specialist Task Force.