Doorsets and windows — Water-tightness test under dynamic pressure — Cyclonic aspects
ISO 15821:2007规定了一种测试方法,用于测定为正常使用而组装并按实际安装的门套和窗户在动态压力下的水密性。
ISO 15821:2007适用于受恶劣天气影响的区域,例如遭受严重天气打击、遭受暴雨和大风袭击的区域,包括台风、飓风、旋风和其他恶劣气候。
ISO 15821:2007不适用于门窗框与建筑结构之间的接缝。
ISO 15821:2007 specifies a test method for determining the water-tightness under dynamic pressure of doorsets and windows, assembled for normal use and installed as in practice.
ISO 15821:2007 is applicable to areas subject to severe weather, e.g. that are heavily weather-beaten, stricken by driving rain and wind, including typhoons, hurricanes, cyclones and other severe climate.
ISO 15821:2007 does not apply to the joints between the door or window frame and the building construction.