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现行 ISO 10109:2024
Optics and photonics — Guidance for the selection of environmental tests 光学和光子学——环境试验选择指南
发布日期: 2024-02-06
本文件包含环境试验和试验参数的表格,可用作选择环境试验的指南。这些包括根据ISO选择标准化测试?9022以及ISO中未描述的其他参数?9022并且是光学或光子仪器所必需的。最终,这些表格规定了在暴露于环境影响时仪器的光学、机械、化学和电气特性或性能特征的可靠性方面要满足的要求。 ISO中规定的环境试验方法?9022(所有部分)可以分配给各种应用领域,以确定仪器在相应应用领域中的适用性。

This document contains tables for environmental tests and test parameters which can be used as a guideline for the selection of environmental tests. These include the selection of standardized tests according to ISO 9022 as well as additional parameters not described in ISO 9022 and necessary for the optical or photonic instruments. Ultimately, these tables specify the requirements to be met with regard to the reliability of the optical, mechanical, chemical, and electrical properties or performance characteristics of the instruments when exposed to environmental influences.

Environmental test methods, as specified in ISO 9022 (all parts), can be assigned to the various areas of application for the purpose of ascertaining the suitability of the instruments in the respective area of application.

归口单位: ISO/TC 172/SC 1