Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of structural quality
ISO 4997:2015适用于结构质量等级为CR220、CR250、CR320和CH550的冷还原碳钢板,通常不使用微合金元素。该产品适用于包括螺栓连接、铆接和焊接在内的结构。它通常在交付状态下用于制造目的,如弯曲、成型和焊接。
ISO 4997:2015不包括指定为商业质量或拉伸质量(ISO 3574中包括)的钢材、根据硬度要求(ISO 5954中包括)的冷还原碳钢板、具有改进成形性的更高强度冷还原钢板(ISO 13887中包括),或具有高抗拉强度和低屈服点的冷轧钢板,具有更好的成形性(ISO 14590涵盖)。
ISO 4997:2015 applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of structural quality in grades CR220, CR250, CR320, and CH550, usually without the use of microalloying elements. The product is intended for structures that include bolting, riveting, and welding. It is generally used in the delivered condition for fabricating purposes, such as bending, forming, and welding.
ISO 4997:2015 does not cover steels designated as commercial quality or drawing qualities (covered in ISO 3574), cold-reduced carbon steel sheet according to hardness requirements (covered in ISO 5954), cold-reduced steel sheet of higher strength with improved formability (covered in ISO 13887), or cold-reduced steel sheet of high tensile strength and low yield point with improved formability (covered in ISO 14590).