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现行 ASTM C1850-17(2021)
Standard Guide for Improved Laboratory Accelerated Tests to Predict the Weathering and for Use in Developing Protocols to Predict the Design Life of Building Sealant Systems 改进实验室加速测试的标准指南 用于预测风化和用于开发协议以预测建筑密封系统的设计寿命
发布日期: 2021-05-01
1.1 本指南描述了开发改进的实验室加速风化试验的步骤,以预测自然风化对建筑密封胶系统的影响,并将这些试验用于开发系统设计寿命预测方法。 1.2 本指南概述了开发建筑密封胶系统实验室加速风化试验的系统方法,包括识别所需信息、开发加速试验、应用数据和报告结果。 1.3 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 本指南旨在作为推荐方法的参考,供用户开发相关、可靠和有效的测试,以预测自然风化效应,并用于开发通过使用加速测试协议确定建筑密封胶系统设计寿命的方法。拟议标准纠正了现有密封剂实验室加速试验的一些缺陷。 4.2 由于以下原因,能够在协议中可靠、准确地预测建筑密封胶系统长期使用性能的加速风化试验的开发具有局限性: 4.2.1 影响功能特性的外部因素很多,需要进行量化,因此许多现有的加速程序并不包括所有重要因素,以及 4.2.2 密封剂试样通常在不同于使用中的配置下进行测试。
1.1 This guide describes the steps for developing improved laboratory accelerated weathering tests for predicting the natural weathering effects on building sealant systems and for using those tests in development of methods for design life prediction of the systems. 1.2 This guide outlines a systematic approach to development of laboratory accelerated weathering tests of building sealant systems including the identification of needed information, the development of accelerated tests, the application of data, and the reporting of results. 1.3 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This guide is intended to serve as a reference of recommended methodology for users developing relevant, reliable and valid tests for predicting natural weathering effects and for use in developing methods to determine design life of building sealant systems through the use of accelerated test protocols. The proposed standard corrects for some of the deficiencies of existing laboratory accelerated tests of sealants. 4.2 The development of accelerated weathering tests capable of being used in protocols to reliably and accurately predict the long-term in-service performance of building sealant systems have limitations due to: 4.2.1 The external factors that affect functional properties, which are numerous and require effort to quantify, so that many existing accelerated procedures do not include all factors of importance, and 4.2.2 The sealant specimens are often tested in configurations different from those used in-service.
归口单位: C24.20