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现行 SAE J1992_202307
Wheels/Rims - Military Vehicles, Test Procedures and Performance Requirements 车轮/轮辋 - 军用车辆 - 测试程序和性能要求
发布日期: 2023-07-14
本SAE推荐实践为军用卡车、公共汽车、卡车拖车和多用途车辆的正常公路使用的盘式车轮、可拆卸轮辋和螺栓连接的分离式车轮的疲劳试验提供了最低性能要求和统一的实验室程序。用户可以建立超过最低性能要求的设计标准,以增加设计的置信度。对于卡车和公共汽车上正常公路使用的其他(非军用)车轮和轮辋,请参考SAE J267。对于普通公路和客车、轻型卡车和多用途车辆临时使用的车轮,请参考SAE J328。对于客车、轻型卡车或多用途车辆牵引的拖车上使用的车轮,请参考SAE J1204。本文件不包括非公路或其他特殊应用车轮和轮辋。
This SAE Recommended Practice provides minimum performance requirements and uniform laboratory procedures for fatigue testing of disc wheels, demountable rims, and bolt-together divided wheels intended for normal highway use on military trucks, buses, truck-trailers, and multipurpose vehicles. Users may establish design criteria exceeding the minimum performance requirement for added confidence in a design. For other (non-military) wheels and rims intended for normal highway use on trucks and buses, refer to SAE J267. For wheels intended for normal highway and temporary use on passenger cars, light trucks, and multipurpose vehicles, refer to SAE J328. For wheels used on trailers drawn by passenger cars, light trucks, or multipurpose vehicles, refer to SAE J1204. This document does not cover off-highway or other special application wheels and rims.
归口单位: COMVC