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现行 ISO 20189:2018
Acoustics — Screens, furniture and single objects intended for interior use — Rating of sound absorption and sound reduction of elements based on laboratory measurements 声学 - 屏幕用于室内使用的家具和单个物品 - 第1部分:基于实验室测量的元件的吸声和声音降低等级
发布日期: 2018-11-21
本文件规定了如何评估室内用屏风、家具和单个物体的吸声性能,并规定了地板屏风的声衰减评估。它还规定了在何种情况下,办公室、学校和其他公共空间的各种室内产品被视为平面吸收体或离散的单一物体。根据ISO 354,将产品视为单个物体并用于室内使用,并通过其等效吸声面积或物体在倍频程范围内的吸声系数进行评估。本文件定义了室内产品和单个物体,并包含关于单个物体测量和评估的附加信息。 本文件中规定的吸声量可用于计算: a) 室内混响时间特性; b) 房间声学参数使用光线追踪软件。
This document specifies how screens, furniture and single objects intended for interior use are assessed with regard to sound absorption and specifies the evaluation of sound attenuation for floor screens. It also specifies under which circumstances various interior products for offices, schools and other public spaces are considered as plane absorbers or as discrete single objects. A product considered as a single object and intended for interior use is measured according to ISO 354 and evaluated by its equivalent sound absorption area or object sound absorption coefficient in octave bands. This document defines interior products and single objects and it comprises additional information regarding measurements and assessment of single objects. The sound absorption as specified in this document can be used to calculate: a) reverberation time characteristics in rooms; b) room acoustic parameters using ray tracing software.
归口单位: ISO/TC 43/SC 2