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现行 ISO/TR 8941:2024
Railway infrastructure — Rail mounted construction, maintenance and inspection machines — Explanation of machine type 铁路基础设施轨道安装施工、维护和检查机械机械类型说明
发布日期: 2024-05-15
本文档描述了不同的操作模式和机器类型的分类。 本文件涵盖用于铁路基础设施建设、维护、检查、修理和更新的装有轨道车轮的机器。其中包括: —?轨道上机器(OTMs),专门为轨道和基础设施的建设和维护而设计; —?基础设施检查车,用于监测基础设施的状况; 笔记?基础设施的检查包括测量。 —?环境车辆,其设计用于清除轨道的环境条件,例如除雪机; —?紧急车辆,设计用于特定紧急用途,如疏散、消防和恢复列车(包括故障起重机);—?能够在铁轨和地面上移动的公路-铁路机械; —?沿着铁轨手动移动的手推车和便携式机器。

This document describes the different modes of operation and the classification of machine types.

This document covers machines fitted with rail wheels that are used for the construction, maintenance, inspection, repair and renewal of railway infrastructure. These include:

     on-track machines (OTMs), which are specially designed for construction and maintenance of the track and infrastructure;

     infrastructure inspection vehicles, which are utilised to monitor the condition of the infrastructure;

NOTE            Inspection of the infrastructure includes measurement.

     environment vehicles, which are designed for clearance of the track from environmental conditions such as snow clearance machines;

     emergency vehicles, which are designed for a specific emergency use such as evacuation, firefighting and recovery of trains (including breakdown cranes);

     road-rail machines, which are able to move on railway track and on the ground;

     trolleys and portable machines that are manually moved along the railway track.

归口单位: ISO/TC 269/SC 1