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现行 AWWA WQTC60623
New Water Treatment Plant and 150 Year Old Pipes: Case Study on Changes in Distribution System Water Quality 新的水处理厂和150年历史的管道:配水系统水质变化的案例研究
发布日期: 2004-11-15
2004年4月,新成立的英国水利部将一座新的水处理厂投入使用 它使用不同于传统的消毒剂、凝固剂和过滤介质 它正在取代的治疗。尽管新的水处理厂将产生 成品水质量越高,人们担心水化学的变化可能会 导致管道使用年限从10年到150年的配电系统出现问题。 可能出现的潜在问题是分配系统中的细菌再生和 从水管壁释放铁和锰。能够迅速 发现问题后,水利部启动了配电系统采样计划 新处理厂投产前2年半。这提供了水源 该部门为比较水质变化提供了基线。 例如,一个位置 浊度和颜色测量值升高,但这与 新工厂上线前收集的基线数据。还有什么比这更重要 令人担忧的是,分配系统中的氯衰变率在 靠近水处理厂的位置。通过基线水质数据 在整个分销系统中,这一问题得到了识别,并能迅速得到解决 在任何潜在问题发生之前。包括表格、数字。
The New Britain Water Department put on-line a new water treatment plant in April 2004 that uses different disinfectant, coagulant, and filter media than the conventional treatment that it was replacing. Even though the new water treatment plant will produce higher finished water quality, there is a concern that the change in water chemistry may cause problems in the distribution system that has pipes ranging from 10 to 150 years old. Potential problems that might arise are bacteria regrowth in the distribution system and release of iron and manganese from the walls of the water mains. To be able to quickly detect problems, the Water Department initiated a distribution system sampling program 2 1/2 years before the new treatment plant went on-line. This has provided the water department a baseline for comparing changes in water quality. For example, one location has had elevated turbidity and color measurements, but this was not inconsistent with the baseline data collected before the new plant went on-line. What potentially is more concerning is that the rate of chlorine decay in the distribution system has increased at locations close to the water treatment plant. By having baseline water quality data throughout the distribution system, this issue was identified and can be quickly addressed before any potential problems occur. Includes tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会