Conserve to Enhance offers an innovative municipal
water conservation mechanism designed to motivate
consumers to conserve water and set aside funds to
purchase water for environmental needs. The concept
and program elements were developed with the collaboration
of utility representatives, elected officials, interested
citizens, as well as more than 40 experts in water
and environmental concerns.
Under the proposed voluntary program, a baseline
water use is established for participants on the basis of
actual water consumption. Even if participants reduce
their water consumption, they agree to continue to pay
this baseline amount, with any monetary savings
accrued by their conservation efforts going to the Conserve
to Enhance program. These funds are then used
to purchase water for environmental enhancements
such as irrigation for revegetation efforts. The authors
offer a set of considerations and recommendations for
the potential development of a program, including
strategies for measuring and accounting for conservation,
water utility involvement, and development of
decision-making bodies. Includes 11 references, figures.