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现行 ISO 16234:2006
Heavy commercial vehicles and buses — Straight-ahead braking on surfaces with split coefficient of friction — Open-loop test method 重型商用车和公共汽车——在具有分离摩擦系数的路面上进行直行制动——开环测试法
发布日期: 2006-12-06
ISO 16234:2006描述了一种开环试验方法,用于确定在具有分离摩擦系数的表面上直线制动操纵期间的车辆反应。 它适用于重型车辆,即ISO 3833中定义的商用车、商用车组合、公交车和铰接式公交车(根据ECE和EC车辆分类,M3、N2、N3、O3和O4类,最大重量超过3.5吨的卡车和拖车,以及最大重量超过5吨的公交车和铰接式公交车)。 该方法仅限于至少第一个单元配备防抱死制动系统的车辆。它仅适用于行车制动系统制动,或与减速器和/或发动机制动器结合使用。
ISO 16234:2006 describes an open-loop test method for determining vehicle reactions during a straight-line braking manoeuvre on a surface having a split coefficient of friction. It applies to heavy vehicles, i.e. commercial vehicles, commercial vehicle combinations, buses and articulated buses as defined in ISO 3833 (trucks and trailers with maximum weight above 3,5 tonnes and buses and articulated buses with maximum weight above 5 tonnes, according to ECE and EC vehicle classification, categories M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4). The method is limited to vehicles in which at least the first unit is equipped with an anti-lock braking system. It is valid for braking with service-brake systems only or in combination with retarders and/or engine brakes.
归口单位: ISO/TC 22/SC 33