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现行 IEEE/IEC P60079-30-2
IEEE/IEC Draft International Standard for Explosive atmospheres -- Part 30-2: Electrical resistance trace heating -- Application guide for design, installation and maintenance IEEE/IEC爆炸性环境国际标准草案第30-2部分:电阻伴热设计、安装和维护应用指南
IEC 60079的这一部分为电阻跟踪加热系统在可能存在爆炸性环境的区域的应用提供了指南,但不包括要求设备保护等级(EPL)Ga/Da(分别与0区和20区的传统关系)的区域。本标准还提供了爆炸性环境的指南,包括本标准部分用户可能采用的区域划分方法。注:NFPA 70和CSA C22中给出了有关除法的信息。1. 它为伴热系统(包括相关控制和监测设备)的设计、安装、维护和维修提供了建议。它不包括通过感应加热、集肤效应加热或直接管道加热操作的设备,也不包括用于消除应力的设备。
This part of IEC 60079 provides guidance for the application of electrical resistance trace heating systems in areas where explosive atmospheres may be present, with the exclusion of those classified as requiring Equipment Protection Level (EPL) Ga/Da (traditional relationship to Zone 0 and Zone 20 respectively). This standard also provides guidance for explosive atmospheres incorporating the Division method of area classification that may be applied by some users of this standard. NOTE Information on the Division method is given in NFPA 70 and CSA C22.1. It provides recommendations for the design, installation, maintenance and repair of trace heating systems including associated control and monitoring equipment. It does not cover devices that operate by induction heating, skin effect heating or direct pipeline heating, nor those intended for stress relieving.