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现行 AT-2824
Heat Pump Room Air-Conditioner Using Variable Capacity Compressor 采用变容量压缩机的热泵房空调
本文介绍了日本热泵房间空调及其新技术。与传统系统相比,使用气体喷射和释放压缩机的可变容量系统节能15%。压缩机系统在电路中不需要起动继电器或起动电容器。节能可通过以下原因实现:(1)系统具有两级加热能力,无需电加热器:室外低温下的高加热能力和室外高温下的低加热能力。(2) 该系统的加热与冷却能力之比大于1.5,这被认为是适合日本气候的。(3) 系统中可以使用较小的压缩机电机。 引用:ASHRAE Transactions,1984年,第90卷,第。佐治亚州亚特兰大1A
This paper discusses heat pump room air conditioners and their new techniques in Japan. The variable capacity system, using a gas injection and release compressor, has an energy savings of 15 percent, as compared with conventional systems. The compressor system does not need either a starting relay or a starting capacitor in the electrical circuit. Energy savings can be achieved for the following reasons: (1) The system has a two-stage heating capacity without an electric heater: high heating capacity at low outdoor temperatures and low heating capacity at high outdoor temperatures. (2) The ratio of heating to cooling capacity of the system is more than 1.5, which is considered to be adequate far Japanese climates. (3) A smaller compressor motor can be utilized in the system.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类