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现行 IEC 62920:2017+AMD1:2021 CSV
Photovoltaic power generating systems - EMC requirements and test methods for power conversion equipment 光伏发电系统.功率转换设备的EMC要求和试验方法
发布日期: 2021-04-06
IEC 62920:2017+A1:2021规定了光伏(PV)电力系统中使用的DC到AC电力转换设备(PCE)的电磁兼容性(EMC)要求。本文档涵盖的PCE可以是网格交互式的,也可以是独立的。它可以由以各种阵列配置分组的单个或多个光伏模块提供,并且可以旨在与电池或其他形式的能量存储结合使用。本文件不仅涵盖连接到公共低压交流电源网络或其他低压交流电源装置的PCE,还涵盖连接到带或不带降压电源变压器的中压或高压交流电源网络的PCE。该合并版本由第一版(2017年)及其修正案1(2021年)组成。因此,除本出版物外,无需下令修订。
IEC 62920:2017+A1:2021 specifies electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements for DC to AC power conversion equipment (PCE) for use in photovoltaic (PV) power systems. The PCE covered by this document can be grid-interactive or stand-alone. It can be supplied by single or multiple photovoltaic modules grouped in various array configurations, and can be intended for use in conjunction with batteries or other forms of energy storage. This document covers not only PCE connected to a public low voltage AC mains network or other low voltage AC mains installation, but also PCE connected to a medium or high voltage AC network with or without step-down power transformers. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (2017) and its amendment 1 (2021). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
归口单位: TC 82