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现行 SAE AS5385D
Cargo Restraint Straps - Design Criteria and Testing Methods 货物约束带.设计标准和试验方法
发布日期: 2017-05-08
SAE AS5385D旨在确定设计标准和测试方法,以保证货物约束带组件的极限载荷和操作可靠性,航空业用于在飞行过程中限制民用运输飞机上的货物:货物装载并系在经适航认证的航空货物托盘上,其自身被限制在飞机下甲板或主/上层货物系统中,并满足NAS 3610或AS36100的要求,或未组合的单个货物,放置在无约束(“浮动”)托盘上的货物,进入飞机的下甲板或主甲板集装箱货舱。
SAE AS5385D aims at identifying the design criteria and testing methods adequate to guarantee the ultimate load and operational dependability of cargo restraint strap assemblies with a typical 22250 N (5000 lbf) rated ultimate tension load capability, as used by the airline industry in order to restrain cargo on board civil transport aircraft during flight:cargo loaded and tied down onto airworthiness certified air cargo pallets, themselves restrained into aircraft lower deck or main/upper deck cargo systems and meeting the requirements of NAS 3610 or AS36100, ornon-unitized individual pieces of cargo, or pieces of, cargo placed onto an unrestrained ("floating") pallet into either lower deck or main deck containerized cargo compartments of an aircraft.