This European Standard specifies requirements and provides recommendations for the design and
installation of connections (bonds) between various electrically conductive elements in buildings and
other structures, during their construction or refurbishment, in which information technology (IT) and,
more generally, telecommunications equipment is intended to be installed in order to:
a) minimize the risk to the correct function of that equipment and interconnecting cabling from
electrical hazards;
b) provide the telecommunications installation with a reliable signal reference - which may improve
immunity from electromagnetic interference (EMI).Cross References:EN 50174-2:2009IEC 62305-4IEC 60364-5-54EN 61140IEC 60364-4-41IEC 61557-5IEC 61140EN 50083EN 60728HD 60364-5-54IEC 60728IEC 60364-4-44EN 61557-4HD 60364-4-444A1:2011EN 61557-5HD 60364-4-41IEC 61557-4EN 62305-4ETSI EN 300 253:2015EN 60297-3-105EN 50174-3IEC 60950-1EN 50346IEC 60079-14EN 60079-14EN 62305-3EN 50700EN 62305IEC 60297-3-105ETSI EG 201 147:1998EN 60950-1IEC 62305-3IEC 60050-195CLC/TR 50174-99-1EN 50174-1IEC 60050-826:2004EN 50173Incorporates the following:Amendment, March 2020