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现行 ISO 4779:2021
Chain components for lifting purposes — Forged eye hook with point and latch — Grade 4, stainless steel, solution annealed 起重用链条部件.带尖端和插销的锻造吊环.固溶退火的4级不锈钢
发布日期: 2021-08-19
本文件规定了由不锈钢制成并固溶退火的4级带点和闩锁的锻造眼钩的要求,优选用作由不锈钢制成并固溶退火的4级焊接结构链式吊索的部件。 重要吗?-对于其他应用,例如钢丝绳吊索或纺织品吊索,重要的是检查吊钩设计以确保其适合安全使用。 笔记?1?根据本文件,吊钩的等级取自根据ISO的吊索链的等级?1835.根据表?2和根据表的机械要求的值?3.因此,钩子与吊索链的直接相关性由WLL,尤其是产品本体上的代码系统给出。钩的等级不定义钩材料的拉伸强度的任何值。详情见附件?B. 根据ISO,相关吊索链的公称直径dn的范围?1835是从4?毫米到22?嗯。 根据本文件的挂钩适用于温度范围-100?°C到+400?°C。 这些挂钩在成品状态下进行固溶退火,因此可以不受钢耐腐蚀性的限制地使用。5.1. 笔记?2?术语“带点和闩锁的眼钩”取自ISO?1837:2003,图?5.
This document specifies the requirements for forged eye hooks with point and latch of grade 4 from stainless steel and solution annealed for use preferably as a component in chain slings of welded construction of grade 4 from stainless steel and solution annealed. IMPORTANT — For other applications, e.g. steel wire rope slings or textile slings, it is important that the hook design is checked to ensure its fitness for a safe use. NOTE 1    The grade for the hook according to this document is taken from the grade of the sling chain according to ISO 1835. Both (sling chains and hooks) have identical scopes and values for the working load limit, WLL, according to Table 2 and values for the mechanical requirements according to Table 3. Thus, the direct correlation of hooks to the sling chain is given by the WLL and especially the code system on the product body itself. The grade of the hook does not define any values of the tensile strength of the hook material. For further information, see Annex B. The range of the nominal diameter, dn, of the associated sling chain according to ISO 1835 is from 4 mm to 22 mm. Hooks according to this document are for use in the temperature range –100 °C to +400 °C. These hooks are solution annealed in the finished condition and can therefore be used without restrictions with regard to the corrosion resistance of the steels according to 5.1. NOTE 2    The term “eye hook with point and latch” is taken from ISO 1837:2003, Figure 5.
归口单位: ISO/TC 111/SC 3